Wundertüten/ Blind Bags
Manchmal verkaufen wir auch Hefte über deren Inhalt wir selber nichts, oder zumindest zuwenig wissen: die Amerikaner nennen das Blind Bags... Welches Heft, bzw. welches Cover dahintersteckt erfahrt ihr erst wenn Ihr sie öffnet...
MERCH! MERCH! MERCH! Oder anders gesagt; Dinge mit unserem LOGO! <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=black+dog+comic+shirt">T-Shirts!</a> <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=community">Mund-Nase-Masken!</a> <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=strample">Strampler!</a> <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=l%C3%A4tzchen">Lätzchen!</a> <a href="https://blackdog.de/shop/publishers/various/comic-supplies/black-dog-comics-stoffbeutel/499451">BaumwollBeutel!</a>
Alan Moore's ABC Comics
Wir schreiben das Jahr 1999; ein bärtiger Engländer trifft sich mit einem gewissen Jim Lee um die Gründung eines (Unter-)Verlags zu besprechen; <a href="https://blackdog.de/shop/creators/alan_moore/dc?page=1">ABC Comics</a>. Ein ganzer Verlag mit Alan Moore Titeln? Angegliedert an Wildstorm Comics? Ja, genau das ist passiert; bevor Jim Lee sich dann von DC hat kaufen lassen (mitsamt all seine Verlagen, Titeln und Unterverlagen) konnte Alan Moore hier tun und lassen was er wollte; herausgekommen sind dabei so fantastische Titel wie <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=tom+strong">TOM STRONG</a> , <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=promethea">PROMETHEA</a> und <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=top+ten">TOP 10</a>. Perlen, Leute, echte Perlen...
Milestone is back! In den 90ern (jaja lange ists her) gründete DC einen Imprint für afroamerikanische Autoren, Zeichner und natürlich Superhelden: Milestone Comics! Das damalige Anliegen, afroamerikanischen Superhelden eine größere Bühne zu geben ist heute genauso aktuell wie in den 90ern und DC hat so einiges geplant für 2021. Die Originale, also die Hefte aus den 90ern findet Ihr natürlich in unserem Backstock; da die mesiten Serien NOCH NIE gesammelt nachgedruckt wurden ist dies tatsächlich zur Zeit die Einzige Möglichkeit diese Geschichten zu lesen. Also viel Spaß mit <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=hardware">HARDWARE</a> <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=blood+syndicate">BLOOD SYNDICATE</a> <a href="https://blackdog.de/shop/publishers/dc/comics/icon">ICON</a> <a href="https://blackdog.de/shop/publishers/dc/comics/static">STATIC</a> <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=shadow+cabinet">SHADOW CABINET</a> <a href="https://blackdog.de/shop/publishers/dc/comics/xombi-i">XOMBI</a> <a href="https://blackdog.de/search/quick?term=kobalt">KOBALT</a>
Super heiß oder einfach gut: Der Tipp des Monats
Battle Of Jakku
Written by acclaimed, award-winning author Alex Segura (Star Wars: Poe Dameron – Free Fall, EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE) and drawn by a trio of superstar artistic talent—Leonard Kirk, Stefano Raffaele, and Jethro Morales—STAR WARS: BATTLE OF JAKKU — INSURGENCY RISING will be the first of three limited series centered around the never-before-told final moments of the Galactic Civil War. Starring core characters like Luke and Leia as well as new heroes and villains who were instrumental during this thrilling period, the three Battle of Jakku series will bridge the gap between the Original Trilogy and the Sequel Trilogy like never before, revealing key insights behind the aftermath of the Battle of Endor and the Empire’s demise, including the Emperor’s secret contingency plans, and introduce the shocking power hungry threats that emerged during this time of uncertainty!
Family Odyssey
At Ghost Machine, Snejbjerg will reteam with Peter J. Tomasi—the duo had previously created DC Comics’ supernatural war story The Light Brigade—on Hornsby & Halo, part of Ghost Machine’s Family Odyssey universe. In Hornsby & Halo, nothing less than peace between Heaven and Hell is at stake, as demon daughter Rose Hornsby and angel son Zach Halo are at the center of a cosmic family swap. It’s Nature versus Nurture, as the age-old battle of Good and Evil is as simple as who speaks louder: the angel on Rose’s shoulder, or the demon trying to crack Zach’s halo. Teenage hormones have never been more epic. “We are delighted and proud to welcome Peter into our growing Ghost Machine family. Peter brings a unique sensibility and style to all his art, and will no doubt enrich the quality we strive for in delivering the best books on the stands,” said the Ghost Machine creators in a statement.
Hyde Street
A whole new generation of epic horror begins with a walk down HYDE STREET. In every town, in every city, and off every country road in every corner of the world… you can find your way here. Get ready to meet MR. X-RAY, PRANKY THE SCOUT, THE COLONIST, and many, many more wonderfully intriguing and terrifying characters, all soon to thrill your senses and populate your nightmares.
Absolute Universe
Following the events of this summer's Absolute Power event, the DC Universe is headed into a new territory, with the help of DC All In. Initially announced by writers Scott Snyder and Joshua Williamson on Wednesday, the new initiative will offer both an exciting, reimagined "Absolute" universe of DC's characters, as well as an ongoing line of core titles, featuring bold new directions and jumping-on points for many characters and teams. The Absolute titles will initially encompass Absolute Batman from Snyder and Nick Dragotta, Absolute Superman from Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval, and Absolute Wonder Woman from Kelly Thompson and Hayden Sherman.
At New York Comic Con 2024, DC announced the return of its ELSEWORLDS line of comics, revealing upcoming comic book titles Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age, Batman the Barbarian, Green Lantern: Dark, with more to come. Scheduled to publish in 2024, DC’s new ELSEWORLDS lineup will also include sequels to best-selling series Dark Knights of Steel and DC vs. Vampires.